Develop a Powerful Marketing Plan Your first step is to develop your launch plan, which will be your blueprint to your entire book launch. The launch plan will outline every aspect of the campaign. Social media Prepare your social media, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. We suggest ‘tease’ promo’s a few months prior to the release. Once the book is released, include in your social media all press releases, press stories, broadcast and radio interviews. Link to Amazon and any outlets online who will be carrying your book. Create a Media Kit The basic information you should include in your media kit is:
The author contact Information: Name, website, social accounts. The cell number and email of your publicist. Your Book Facts: Author/ Book Website, the release date, book price and where to purchase. Book Details & Author Info: Brief author bio, and a short book description or synopsis. (Remember, brevity is key. Your bio and the book synopsis should only be a few sentences each.) Attention Grabbers: This is where you can get creative and really sell your book! Why do people want to read it? Does it fill a void or respond to a current trend or need? Perhaps you want to include a bulleted list of interviews talking points, or a few article headlines or pitch ideas. At the very least, include a few sentences describing the main reason to buy. Reviews / Awards: What are people saying about your book? Has it won any awards or gotten positive feedback? The media should know! The review doesn’t have to come from a famous critic or top news outlet – but if you have one, that’s great! – A positive Amazon or Facebook review works perfectly. Images: One or two high-resolution photos of the book cover and one author headshot. Media Release / Press Release: Almost all of the above items can be included in a media release or press release. A press release is formal in tone. It is written like a news story and includes information that is more factual than promotional. There are a variety of different ways to organize the above information in a media kit. Some authors make giant media kits filled with every document, pdf, and pictures related to the book. Others include only the nitty-gritty. We recommend organizing the information into 2 PDFs (one fact sheet and one media release) and several images. Website A good landing page is crucial for book sales. Your website should include a compelling description of the book, photos, reviews, and information about you as the author. Above all, it should contain all purchasing information and links with a clear “call-to-action” to buy. Book Reviews Reviews aren’t just important, they are vital. Reviews give books greater visibility and a greater chance of getting found by more readers. They provide social proof that your book is worth buying. Your reviews will go in your media kit, on Amazon, on your website, and more. You’ve probably received positive endorsements from your friends and family, Remember, the more people that read your book, the more reviews you will get. Send advanced copies of the book to everyone in your close network and ask them to review on Amazon, Facebook, or other social platforms. Amazon and Facebook reviews are great. But, reviews from trusted news sites or medias authorities. To get your book reviewed or featured by established media outlets, send advance copies of your book and media kit to book critics, bloggers, and review sites. Get the Word Out – Media Attention Media attention is the best way to boost sales and get the word out about your book. Our team will work hard to garner extensive media coverage. A compelling media pitch is key to landing these placements. Your pitch should outline why your story would be a great fit for their show (or magazine, news site, etc) and what their audience would gain from what you have to say. Remember, unless you are reaching out to the media with an explicit request for them to review the book, your pitch can’t sell the book too hard. (Pitches that are too promotional get sent to the sales department to buy ad space.) Instead, your pitch should sell you and your message and they should be customized to fit the outlet/contact that you’re pitching.
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